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Stuff resolutions & just do you this NY!!

IMG_0752I used to dislike New Year‘s Eve. All the hype and expectation, all the pressure to have the party of your life!

Now I love New Year’s Eve, it’s become a highlight in my personal calendar. This is due to re-framing what it means to me.

My instinct this time of year is to go inwards and the older I get, the more and more I enjoy this experience. The experience of me. Taking the time to reconnect with my essence, restore my equilibrium and recharge my soul.IMG_0018

This year I have spent the past month de-cluttering my home, and my mind in preparation for the brand spanking 2014.

Next year, I aim to enjoy the new space I have created in my home, my life and my heart.

2013 taught me surrender, big time. Now in 2014 I’m ready to, in the words of Yogi Bhajan just “Be ~ and allow it to come to you.”

This New Year I hope you can give yourself the gift of yourself with a little ‘You’ time. IMG_0247

Here are some suggestions;

Create a home Spa ~ this really hits the spot

Run yourself a warm bath. Make yourself a pot of mint or herbal tea and set on a tray with your favourite cup. Let the mirrors get all steamy in the bathroom before you dive in. Sprinkle in any or all of the following for ultimate luxury;

rose petals, lavender oil, frankincense oil, rose oil, 1/2 cup bicarbonate soda, 1/2 cup epsom salts, atlantic sea salt, some grated fresh ginger, seaweed, a handful of oats.

Assemble your (hopefully natural) products and dry body brush your skin with a body brush or loofah before you bathe.

Do a face and hair mask at the same time and after at least 20 mins of soaking, use a Turkish bath mitt to remove dead skin.

Drain the bath and take your final rinse of body and hair with tepid to cool water (as cool as you can handle). This is great for circulation and also seals the hair cuticles and stimulates the scalp.

Be sure to moisturise your skin after with something decadent and natural like; shea butter, sweet almond oil mixed with a few drops of essential oils, coconut oil etc and relax, relax, relax. Sip the rest of your tea. If you you’re lucky maybe catch some zzz’s or curl up with a good book.

IMG_4176It’s also become a personal tradition on New Year’s eve for me to meditate at midnight and I really love it! I can hear all of the fireworks and mayhem outside my windows as I meditate across the New Year and it makes me feel very joyful and leaves me with a wonderful sense of hope and peace.

This year I will be listening and chanting along to this track by Mirabai Ceiba for the Ardas Bhaee Meditation.


These are the words to the mantra if you would like to join me.

Ardaas bhayee, amar daas guroo,

amar das guroo, ardaas bhayee,

raam daas guroo, raam daas guroo,

ram daas guroo, sachee sahee

This meditation is a mantra prayer that is said to help release a difficult situation and if chanted the body, mind and soul automatically combine and without having to say what you want, life is adjusted. This mantra prayer assures all needs are provided for and that all prayers will be answered.

IMG_7575However you choose to spend this New Year’s Eve, I salute you and will hold you all in my prayers for the coming year ahead.

Let go and let it flow!




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